Discover Scuba Diving.

Diving course for beginners Discovery Scuba Dive

Diving is a fun and safe activity if done correctly and absolutely all divers start with this entertaining and brief initiation program where everything you need to experience diving for the first time will be detailed very quickly, briefly, and dynamically. time.

Where does it take place?

  • Site Name: Aquarium Brief Description of the place: Coral formation with a very shallow gradual slope that begins on the surface in the barrier that forms the Mahahual reef lagoon and reaches a depth of 12meters in a sandy area, ideal for initiation dives due to its moderate currents. , gradual depth changes, abundant marine life, and coral in an optimal state of preservation, of such a good level that it is usually visited by certified divers.

Requirements for the course

  • Minimum age of 10 years

  • Overall good health

  • Overall Good Physical Shape

  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages one day before

  • Feel comfortable in the water

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